These will surely hgelp you on your way to your business world


1. Build your CONFIDENCE
2. Expand your CONNECTION
3. Improve your COMPETENCE
4. Strengthen your CHARACTER
5. Increase your COMMITMENT

- To build your self CONFIDENCE, you must develop your personal values and take practical steps to live right. Believe in yourself and what God has said about you. Remember if you don't believe in yourself, No one else will believe in you. You must learn to win from the inside bearing in mind that success is first within, then without.

- To expand your CONNECTION, you must become deliberate about who you associate with. Take time to evaluate your friends and minimize or totally eliminate your association with people who are killing your dreams. Your association goes a long way in determining how you turn out in life.... show me who you listen to and I will tell you who you are becoming.

- To improve your COMPETENCE, you have no other choice than to pursue knowledge, learn new skills and be a consumer of informations. Be an incurable reader, cos leaders are readers.

- To Strengthen your CHARACTER, you must be a self mover, and always follow your instinct and stick to your vision even in the face of challenges. Bearing in mind that you win from the inside, before you win in the outside. Tough Times Don't Last But Tough People Do. People of character don't brake down easily, cos they know that if they continue to stop anytime they hear the barking of a dog, they won't get to their destinations.

- To Increase your COMMITMENT, you just have to learn to give your best to the attainment of any goal at hand. Focus on the end while ensuring that every step you take is in line with the vision.

* Everyone has a gift to give to the world, but if you don't tell people about your gift no one will know it. Denying your world your gift is a De-service to the world.